Sheshmani Tower, Upasana Nagar Phese 2, Amara, Varanasi +91 9838129376, 9670189911


Establishing an effective communication system between schools and parents, helps in achieving goals of creating higher academic standards and stronger partnerships. Schools are now fairly sophisticated in how they communicate with the parents of the children in their school community.

Improving your school communications while being realistic about your resources might be the greatest challenge facing you and just about every other school communicator. By the time you factor in the tools, training, time, staffing and tech support, staying current with all these channels can be challenging if not cost prohibitive.

Our SMS Module comes as a great tool for establishing the communication requirement of any school.


• General Notice to all student and staff.

• Send Fee Receipt, Dues notice with amount detail.

• Automatically send daily collection amount to Management.

• Transport allotment sms to parent.

• Birth day Notification to students and staff.

• Hassle free communication with parents and management.

• Add/Customise SMS templates according to your requirment.