Sheshmani Tower, Upasana Nagar Phese 2, Amara, Varanasi +91 9838129376, 9670189911


Libraries are places of information. When most people think "library" they think books. And while that is certainly true, these days books take different shapes, such as e-books and audio books. Libraries provide a flexible space with a wide and inclusive range of resources to support learning and teaching throughout the school. They have a vibrant role in the development of a culture that promotes wider reading, motivated readers and learners for life.

To achieve desired output from the library a comprehensive and analytical management of the same is required. Our Library module plays an important role in facilitating librarian achieve the same.


• Full Tracking Details of Books Issued, Books Returned, Books in Recovery.

• Lost Book Recovery System.

• Keep record of different categories (Books, Magazines, etc.)

• Classify the books subject wise and Class wise.

• Keep record of complete information of a book (Book name, Author name, Publisher’s name, Date/ Year of publication, Cost of the book, Book purchasing date/ Bill no.)

• Different criteria for searching a book.